Saturday, July 14, 2007

LA Mayor Sex Scandal Mirthala Salinas Lover

LA Mayor Sex Scandal Mirthala Salinas Lover

Telemundo's Mirthala Salinas was the love interest of Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the two have now finally had to admit that they were involved in an extramarital affair. However the lovers claim that the relationship has not had any impact on their professional responsibilities. Uh-huh.

LA Mayor Sex Scandal: Antonio Villaraigosa Beds Mirthala Salinas
LA Mayor Sex Scandal: Antonio Villaraigosa Beds Mirthala Salinas

But near the bottom of the Associated Press story is this gem: while Salinas was anchoring the news, she had to read an on-air report about the mayor's separation. Salinas, 35, went on the air June 8 with news of the mayor's marital split. "The rumors are true," a poker-faced Salinas said in Spanish. "Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa confirmed today that he is separating from his wife, Corina, after more than 20 years of marriage." Shockingly she left out the part where he was diddling the TV anchor.

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